Matt Hancock refuses to commit to paying care workers the ‘Real Living Wage’

The heading is from Welfare Weekly,

Here is an extract from Welfare Weekly

‘The UK Health Secretary has failed to commit to following Scotland’s lead and ensuring all care workers in England get the Real Living Wage in recognition of their contribution to the Coronavirus response.

Responding to the UK government statement on Covid-19, SNP Shadow Health Secretary Dr Philippa Whitford MP urged Matt Hancock to roll-out the Real Living Wage to all care workers – like has been the case in Scotland for many years – and reverse the 20% cut to public health funding imposed by the Tories in 2015.

In his response, Matt Hancock said that health care workers already receive the living wage – lower than the Real Living Wage – and completely failed to address Dr Whitford’s point on reversing cuts.

The SNP say they have consistently called on the UK government to match Scottish per capita NHS spending to allow Holyrood to increase funding for NHS Scotland by over £4 billion by the end of this UK parliament.’

I have also found reference to this comment from Matt HYancock on Vox Political in a post headed ‘Hancock: care workers can’t have ‘Real Living Wage’ – but let’s remember he offered them a nice badge’,

Here is an extract

‘Right after offering carers a badge instead of genuine government investment, Matt Hancock has denied them the real living wage.

Let’s clarify, quickly: the real living wage is a wage that covers real living expenses, and is currently set at £10.75 in London and £9.30 in the rest of the UK for anybody aged 18 and older.

Hancock came out with the mealy-mouthed excuse that carers are already paid the National Living Wage, which is only £8.21 – and applicable only to people aged over 25. It doesn’t cover the cost of living, meaning its description as a “living wage” is false.

And let’s remember that MP’s have been given an extra £10,000 – above their already-enormous salaries – to help them work at home, which is something carers do all the time.

What a charmer.

Hancock was responding to SNP health spokesperson Dr Philippa Whitford who pointed out that carers in Scotland are already paid the real living wage and asked when the Tory government would do the same for those in England.’

This comes as no surprise to me, as I have been saying in my promotion of my petition, ‘Solve the crisis in Social Care, which, incidentally is address the both the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock and the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson.

Here is my current promotion

You may be wondering why I am promoting this petition as we are in the Coronavirus, COVID 19 crisis and certainly now that Social Care is appearing to have some signs of recognition.

It is because of this recognition and I do appreciate the Government is concentrating on COVID 19, and my thoughts are with Boris Johnson and his family and other families in similar positions, but Social Care has been forgotten for many years and certainly with regards to funding.

I have been involved with Social Care, be it with regards to family or on a wider basis for over some 40 years and funding was always an issue and the last 10 years has made the situation much worse.

So, the recognition is an impetus on which to build and to ensure the recognition continues when COVID 19 has been overcome.

So here is how I am currently promoting the petition.

As I am very concerned about Social Care could I also introduce you to my latest Petition, ‘Solve the crisis in Social Care’.

We all have reasons for reaching out and some of mine are mentioned below

• With the Government, Social Care is the forgotten service and Yes, the Government as plenty to deal with currently, but more should have been done for Social Care well before the COVID 19 situation.

• This section of care has been devoid of enough money for far too long and austerity measures only compounded this.

• The starting salary for all care workers should be, at least the Real Living Wage and not, as currently the National Living Wage or for some under 25 years The Minimum Wage.

• The rate of pay is abysmal when compared to the responsibilities they undertake.

It is not just the rate of pay, but many others including

• Conditions of Service

• Travel Expenses

• Sick Pay schemes

My own family and many other families rely on Social Care to help us look after our relatives who have major needs relating to care.

We all have, over the years, done what we can to help manage these needs of our relatives, but there comes a time when the needs exceed what we ourselves can realistically deliver, hence our, now, reliance on Social Care and without it our relatives needs will not be met.

Lack of funding for Social Care is a major problem and this leads to

1. not only insufficient funding for all forms of Social Care

2. a lack of people wishing to come into the profession due to the abysmal rate of pay

3. partly causing a lack of quality of care being delivered in some areas and other problems

4. causing stress and exhaustion for family members providing care to their relatives, due to the lack of Social Care

If the crisis in Social Care is not met, this will then increase the crisis in health.

lease could you see if you could show your support by signing this petition and then sharing it wherever you can.

For more information I refer you to my web page

It goes without saying that I am greatly disappointed with the latest Budget, not even the miserly £1 or £1.5 billion promised by Boris, but unfortunately this is how it is for Social Care and those in need of Social Care.

It is what we have come to accept, but not without question and challenge and the Coronavirus Pandemic is making Social Care even more important .

However, the Government as shown their contempt for Social Care by suspending the Care Act 2014 some weeks ago, rather than providing increased funding to Local Authorities so they can, not only maintain current Social Care levels, which are really well below than required, but increase the level of Social Care to what is really required .

You will never know when you maybe in need of Social Care, so please support Social Care, before it is too late

Thank you


#care #socialcare #crisis

That is the petition and my reasons for creating it. You can see that I do not trust this Government, well, I do not trust any Government.

We all, and this means YOU, need to fight for Social Care, for as you can see the Government say one thing and take it back with another.

Social Care has been creaking along for far too long and now it needs to have its focus readjusted, for Social Care should be held in the same esteem as that of the NHS. Both areas of care need to be funded sufficiently and not used as a ‘political football’

So please support Social Care and especially the Carers, whom we are hearing so much about. The are performing well above the level of salary they receive, many just, on the National Living Wage.  Everyone has to receive, at least the National Living Wage, so Matt Hancock your comment that health care workers already receive the living wage, he is missing the point by miles, as all people have to receive the National Living Wage, which is what he is referring to, but trying to confuse the issue, by referring to living wage. The Real Living Wage should be the starting point for all health and social care workers.

I am prejudiced, of course, but I believe my petition, Solve the crisis in Social Care is the means to bring the whole issue of Social Care to the attention of both Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock. The petition and Social Care Needs


So, please sign and share without further delay

Thank you

Chris Sterry on behalf of Social Care and Social Care workers





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